close up of woman holding two hu chocolate bars

Founded in 2012, Hu is a fast-growing US-based snacking company offering high-quality, low-processed foods with an emphasis on getting back to a more “human” way of eating.

The Hu site educates prospective customers about the benefits of their high-quality food

Product Detail Pages are optimized to increase AOV through education and ease-of-use

Product Listing Pages feature key information and value proposition callouts

We worked with the Hu team to create 3D renderings of all of their products for the website

Building a Bundle has never been easier with custom pages guiding users through the process

We designed and built a holistic design system that feels inherently 'Hu'

Email automations and campaigns

A/B Testing for Loyalty Program coined 'Hu Crew'

Landing pages for influencers and direct marketing campaigns

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